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Portrait Series with Liz Chaderton: Mixed-Media
Explore how mixed media can be used to create a portrait painting with Liz Chaderton
The techniques for painting faces in watercolour and the skills to capture a likeness are not the same; both are important, but certainly different. So in these webinars we are concentrating on watercolour techniques and using transfer methods to get the likeness on to paper. These are not portraits to hang in museums but will help the artist capture the faces and character of family and friends or people they encounter every day. Some experience of watercolour is assumed.
Line-and-wash is already mixed-media, although it is so accepted we do not tend to think of it as such. In this webinar we will add to our line and wash portrait by working on a toned paper and adding pastel to regain highlights and bring further interest.
This recording was taken from Liz Chaderton's mixed media portrait webinar on 13/12/2023
In this webinar, you will learn...
- The role of line and watercolour in a pen and wash piece
- Order of working
- What to leave out, what to put in
- How to substitute colours to create mood
- How to tone paper and considerations for working on this surface
- Use of pastel pencils to add direction, tone and hue
- How to create lively pen work
- How to stop too soon rather than too late
This image is an example of what you can create and may not be the subject in the actual webinar
More Information
Workshop Type | Online Course |
Artist/Contributor | Liz Chaderton |
Subject | Portrait |
Medium | Colour Pencil |