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Winsor & Newton Cotman 45 Half Pan Watercolour Set
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Explore a world of vivid hues and rich pigments, all neatly packaged in a high-quality, durable moulded set designed for artists of all levels with the Winsor and Newton Cotman 45 Half Pan Watercolour Set.
- 45 vibrant half pans for endless creativity.
- Durable injection-moulded box with innovative design.
- Three spacious palette areas for maximum colour mixing.
- Colours included: Lemon yellow hue, cadmium yellow pale hue, Gamboge hue, cadmium yellow hue, cadmium orange hue, cadmium red pale hue, cadmium red hue,cadmium red deep hue, 2 x alizarin crimson hue, permanent rose, rose madder hue, purple lake, dioxazine violet, 2 x ultramarine, cobalt blue, cerulean blue hue, turquoise, intense blue, prussian blue, indigo, intense green, viridian, emerald, hooker's green dark, hookers green light, sap green, raw sienna, 2 x yellow ochre, raw umber, burnt sienna, light red, indian red, burnt umber, vandyke brown, sepia, payne's grey, 2 x ivory black, lamp black, 2 x chinese white.
- Colour selection may vary occasionally.
- Detachable palette, lid, and insert tray for easy cleaning.
- Unfolded box dimensions: 270mm x 326mm; Folded: 270mm x 125mm x 27mm.
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