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Winsor & Newton Galeria Acrylic Flexible Modelling Paste - 250ml
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Winsor & Newton Galeria Acrylic Flexible Modelling Paste is a lighter-weight modeling paste for use on canvas (to minimize sagging).
- Lightweight Texture: Crafted for canvas use, it's designed to prevent sagging, ensuring your creations maintain their intended form.
- Soft Sculptural Consistency: The finely textured paste offers a pliable, easy-to-mold surface for your artistic expressions.
- Layering Made Easy: Suitable for building multiple layers, it empowers your creative process with depth and dimension.
- Matte Finish: Your finished artwork will have a smooth, non-reflective appearance that enhances your artistic vision.
- Colour Compatibility: May be painted over or you can directly incorporate colour into the paste, though note that it will result in a lighter, slightly chalky hue with reduced body.
- Size: Available in 250ml pots
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